Tuesday, 28 April 2009

Reasons for the rejection of HLF bid

Here is the official reasons for the rejection of the city council's HLF bid for £3.4 million.

It was not successful because:

--'the level of new build within the application was disproportionate'
--'application did not provide sufficient evidence that the project would increase the range of audiences, conserve and improve the heritage value and improve management and maintenance'
--community opposition to the new build aspects of the bid

This shows the lottery people were basically on the same wave length as the JGA and those who protested against the plans - no grandiose schemes.

HERE IS THE STATEMENT - obtained using FOI powers

7 Cambridge, Jesus Green: PF-08-00662/1 PfPHLF 2009 (1) 7RECOMMENDATION: REJECT Cambridge City Council sought a stage one pass for £3,280,000 together with development funding of £106,000 (both 75% of eligible costs) to carry out work at Jesus Green, a 11.3ha public open space.

The Green had a long history and contained Grade II listed buildings and structures and well recognised features. The open air swimming pool was a popular and significant feature. The project would provide new park buildings, including two new cafes and toilet facilities, a community meeting room, a new entrance to the outdoor pool, and an adventure play area. Access improvements would include the development of a piazza, cycle route and a boulevard along the River Cam.

Letters of opposition had been received during assessment, with evidence of community opposition to the new build aspects of the bid. The Big Lottery Fund Head of Region had noted that the open space was already well used and considered that whilst refreshment facilities would be of value, the level of new build within the application was disproportionate.

The HLF Committee had agreed with officers' assessment that the application did not provide sufficient evidence that the project would increase the range of audiences, conserve and improve the heritage value and improve management and maintenance.

The Parks for People Committee for East of England had recommended that the application be rejected. Taking into account the contents of the paper and the feedback and recommendations from the Big Lottery Fund Head of Region and the regional committee, Big Lottery Fund Parks for People Committee and HLF Board recommended that the application for Jesus Green be rejected. - ends -

1 comment:

  1. > the level of new build within the application was disproportionate.

    I hope the council take note of this too: maybe if they hadn't made such a greedy proposal (which I believe they claimed could be scaled down later) then the bid would not have suffered out-right rejection!
