Monday, 27 April 2009

Jesus Green working party

The initial meeting of the Jesus Green working party took place on April 20.

Richard Price, Anthony Bowen and Martin Thompson attended for the JGA. Other 'stakeholders' included Anne Page, from Don't Make it Jesus Less Green, rowers and Save Our Green Spaces. Friends of Jesus Green Pool had been invited but didn't attend.

While we have concerns about the rather haphazard way things were handled, this could be a useful way to lobby for improvements on the green. As we are the dominant group (150 members, an elected board and constitution, plus wide remit of concerns), I'd hope we have the strongest voice on this working group.

Council officers are now working out how much money is available to improve the green over the next few years. There was apparently £1.1 million of council cash available when there was lottery money on the table, but it is unlikely (given the council's recent financial setbacks) this amount will materialise, and certainly not for maintenance.

For example, officers have been asked to work out the cost of replacing the playground equipment in situ as well as costing a complete move to nearer the lock (as per HLF bid proposal - although minus the cafe)

The JGA has been asked to come up with its own priorities

The obvious one are:

Playground renewal
Toilet upgrade
Tennis courts upgrade
Skate park repairs (and additions?)
Better litter facilities
New proposal for 'hammerhead' tarmac area for lorry unloading by Victoria Avenue.

Please feel free to leave your comments on what the JGA should lobby for.

1 comment:

  1. In relation to the "'hammerhead' tarmac area". If an area is required, I would suggest one of the various techniques for strengthening grass areas which both them to be driven on allow the grass to grow through.

    Along the backs many colleges have grassed areas strengthened by concrete which cars and large trucks park on without doing damage to the appearance of the area. The front of Marshall's car sales area on Newmarket road has a plastic mesh in the grass which also enables vehicles to be driven on the grass without damage.

    For most of the year in these areas you cannot see there is anything underneath, the strengthening is entirely invisible.
